1 YMCA Way
Greensburg, In 47240
812-663-YMCA (9622)

Endowment Fund

  The YMCA Endowment Fund is a permanent fund, a vital source of perpetual support for our YMCA.

  • Endowment donations are invested. A portion of the annual income from the investment is used to address immediate needs at the Decatur County Family YMCA to maintain and enhance the quality of its programs and services. The remaining funds remain invested to ensure indefinite support.
  • The importance of endowed funds lies in their permanence.
  • Endowment principal is not spent; it is carefully managed to yield a steady, reliable, and perpetual stream of support that is independent of operating revenue and other fluctuating income sources.
  • Through prudent investment and judicious stewardship, the purchasing power of endowed funds grows over time.
  • Endowment income provides financial stability and allows a community service organization like the Decatur County Family YMCA to pursue and implement long range planning initiatives with confidence.
  • Donations can be made to established and new endowments at any time or as a part of your planned giving.


  • Longtime Decatur County Family YMCA supporters Joe and Rebecca have two goals: First, they want to make sure the Decatur County Family YMCA continues to receive support after they are gone. Second, they want to create a lasting legacy for their family.
  • Joe and Rebecca make a $10,000 donation to the Decatur County Family YMCA, which we invest into the YMCA Endowment Fund and each year, a portion of the income from the invested money will be used to support our mission in honor of Joe and Rebecca. Plus, Joe and Rebecca likely qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction on their taxes.


Please send your check payable to the Decatur County Family YMCA to:

Decatur County Family YMCA

c/o Diane Hart-Dawson, CEO

1 YMCA Way

Greensburg, IN  47240

Please contact Diane Hart-Dawson, CEO at 812-663-9622 or dianehd@dcfymca.org for more information.

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