1 YMCA Way
Greensburg, In 47240
812-663-YMCA (9622)

SKIN FOLD ANALYSIS:  Skin fold test will determine body fat percentage. Choose from either a 4 or 7 site test. If you are working to build body mass or are very athletic, this test is for you.  Great for tracking strength training progress.

By Appointment Only        Fees: $10 YM  $20 PM

FITNESS TESTING:  Separate testing protocol for ages 15-60 and 60+ consisting of: Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular, Strength and Felxibility

By Appointment Only      Fees: FREE YM  $20 PM

FITNESS EVALUATION:  A trainer will help determine your cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body fat percentage.   This is a great way to measure your current strengths and weaknesses.  After 4-8 weeks, retest to see what progress you’ve made!   Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of this test.  Make your appointment at the front desk today!

By Appointment Only   Fees: FREE YM  $30 PM

QUARTERLY FITNESS EVALUATIONS:  Track your progress!  See what your score (fitness level) is for cardiovascular, muscular and core strength along with how flexible you are.  Your scores will show you where your strengths and weaknesses are so you will know areas that may require more focus.  Testing every quarter is a great tool for setting and reaching your personal fitness goals.  Make your appointment today at the wellness desk.  

By Appointment Only   Fees: FREE YM  $30 PM

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