1 YMCA Way
Greensburg, In 47240
812-663-YMCA (9622)


A donor recognition program honoring those who have partnered with us to improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

  • The Heritage Club recognizes the organization’s most generous benefactors. 
  • Heritage Club members’ vision for the health of our community extends beyond their own lifetimes.
  • They recognize that the YMCA will play a critical role in the future of kids and families, so they are investing in that future through outright and planned gifts to our YMCA Endowment Fund.
  • Individuals, corporations, foundations and others who contribute $1,000 or more to the Decatur County Family YMCA Endowment Fund during the calendar year qualify for membership in this special leadership donor group.
  • The Heritage Club honors those who have named the Decatur County Family YMCA as a beneficiary of a planned gift. 
  • Gifts may be designated to the Decatur County Family YMCA as:
    • A cash gift to the Endowment Fund, or
    • You may inform us that you have left a bequest in your will to share with us. A bequest may be made in several ways such as:
      • A direct gift of cash or percentage of your residual estate
      • Naming the Decatur County Family YMCA Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of:
        • A life insurance policy
        • A Retirement Fund
        • A 401(k)
        • A charitable trust
    • A named endowment gift
    • A memorial gift
    • A tribute gift
  • Members of the Decatur County Family YMCA Heritage Club:
    • Are honored each year at a celebratory event
    • Are recognized in our annual report.
    • Receive special newsletters and updates about YMCA activities
    • Are given opportunities to share feedback about the Y.

Your commitment to membership in the Heritage Club is the strongest statement of support that you can make for preserving the mission of the Decatur County Family YMCA.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Heritage Club, please fill out the form here.

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