1 YMCA Way
Greensburg, In 47240
812-663-YMCA (9622)

Where You Belong

More Than Just a Gym

We're a community - a place to gather with friends and family. The Decatur County Family YMCA offers you a place to nurture your spirit, mind, and body while surrounded by friends as well as a knowledgeable and caring staff. Here are some benefits you will receive as a YMCA Member:


Looking for more than just machines and weights? Shake up your routine by joining some of our free classes. With this variety of classes, there is sure to be one you enjoy!

Click here for a list of our FREE Classes


Be worry free during your workout knowing that you child is in safe hands with our child care staff. As a member you will receive a discounted rate!


As a Y member you may visit the facility as much as you want during our scheduled hours!

24/7 Key Fob: Members who are in good standing 18 years of age and older. Rates: $15 per person one-time fee.

Guest passes: Valid for one full day, from open to close! The following prices are per visit: Student (14-18 years of age) $5.00, Adult (18 and up) $10.00, Family $15.00. 

Guest passes will NOT be sold after 8:30 pm Mon- Fri and 4:30 pm Sat- Sun.


Household: 1 or 2 adults with up to 5 dependent children through the age of 23, and enrolled in school full time. Rates: $75 Joiner's Fee $63.00/month or $756.00 annually

Adult: Any person 18 years of age and older. Rates: $75 Joiner's Fee $39.00/month or $468.00 annually

Senior: Any person 62 years of age and older. Rates: $75 Joiner's Fee $33.50/month or $402.00 annually

Student: Children in grades Preschool-12. Rates: $50 Joiner's Fee $14.50/month or $174.00 annually 

Membership Information:  All annual memberships are valid for one full year from date of purchase, are non-refundable and are not transferable.  The annual rate is payable by cash, check, or credit card.  A membership paid monthly by bank draft or credit card is considered continuous.  No renewal notices will be sent and drafts will continue until the member requests and signs a termination of membership form.  Cancellation of memberships must occur in writing at least 7 days prior to draft date.  No refunds will be made.  The member will be informed in writing 30 days prior to any changes in monthly draft rates, indicating the new monthly draft amount.  A one-time assessment fee, called the Joiner's Fee, goes toward the Capital Improvement Fund and must be paid upon joining the YMCA.  A Y member who terminates their membership will have a 1 year grace period during which they can rejoin without paying the Joiner's Fee.  After 1 year, the former member has 4 years to rejoin and pay only 1/2 of the Joiner's Fee.  If the membership lapses for more than 5 years, the full Joiner's Fee will be assessed when it is renewed. 

Financial assistance is available. 

Click here to download a financial assistance form.


Now, full facility/full privilege YMCA members have the flexibility to use other Y facilities throughout the nation, at no extra charge.  To be eligible, Member must have 50% scans at their "home" YMCA.


Simply present your active YMCA membership card and photo ID at any participating YMCA and enjoy free access.  ** Not eligible for YM prices on classes or programs. **

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