Decatur County Family YMCA
1 YMCA Way
Greensburg, In 47240
812-663-YMCA (9622)

The YMCA holds a few mainstay events that we hope you look forward to every year as much as we look forward to hosting them!  They are held at approximately the same time every year so mark your calendars!

Annual Program Calendar:

December 2023/ January- March 2024

  • November 20- December 27- Zero Gain, Just Maintain
  • December 1: Registration OPENS for: New Year, New You Transformation, Youth Basketball, Little Dribblers, Tae-Kwon-Do: Little Dragons, Tae-Kwon-Do: aged 7 and older, Advanced/ Adult Tae-Kwon-Do: 16 and older, Teen Volleyball Clinic, Teen Pickleball and Swim Lessons!
  • December 20: NO JOINER's FEE DAY
  • December 22- January 2: Winter Break Camp
  • December 24 and 25: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: YMCA CLOSED
  • December 27, 28, 29: TEEN TRIFECTA: Teen get in FREE 9am-5pm these days.  Enjoy a 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, Dodgeball games and much, much more!
  • December 30: Noon Year's Eve Party 11:30 am -1:30 pm
  • December 31: New Year's Eve: YMCA CLOSED
  • January 1, 2024: New Year's Day: YMCA CLOSED
  • January 2- February 29, 2024: 60 in 6 RETURNS!  Purchase a NEW YMCA membership during this time and come 60 times in 6 months and receive your Joiner's Fee of $75 back in the form of a check.
  • January 2- February 26: New Year, New You Transformation
  • January 2: Registration OPENS for: Preschool for 2024-2025, Spring Break Camp, Little All Stars, Tae-Kwon-Do: Little Dragons, Tae-Kwon-Do: aged 7 and older, Advanced/ Adult Tae-Kwon-Do: 16 and older, Teen Volleyball Clinic, Teen Pickleball, Teen Boardgame Club, Boots and Beauties: Daddy Daughter Event and Swim Lessons!
  • January 18: T-LAB Meeting Grades 7-9: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm  Grades 10-12: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • January 27: OPEN TEEN NIGHT at the YMCA: 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm for ages 13-18!
  • February 1st: Registration OPENS for: Tae-Kwon-Do: Little Dragons, Tae-Kwon-Do: aged 7 and older, Advanced/ Adult Tae-Kwon-Do: 16 and older, Teen Volleyball Clinic, Teen Pickleball, Teen Boardgame Club, Expresso Challenge and Swim Lessons!
  • February 15: T-LAB Meeting Grades 7-9: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm  Grades 10-12: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • February 17: OPEN TEEN NIGHT at the YMCA: 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm for ages 13-18!
  • February 24: Boots and Beauties: Daddy Daughter Event 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm.  Registration Deadline is February 19th.
  • March 1st: Registration OPENS for: Summer Break Camp, Tae-Kwon-Do: Little Dragons, Tae-Kwon-Do: aged 7 and older, Advanced/ Adult Tae-Kwon-Do: 16 and older, Teen Volleyball Clinic, Teen Pickleball, Teen Boardgame Club, and Swim Lessons!
  • March 14: T-LAB Meeting Grades 7-9: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm  Grades 10-12: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • March 23: Healthy Kids Day: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm    Community Easter Egg Hunt: 12:00 pm
  • March 26: YMCA's Annual Meeting: 12:00 pm
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