July 23rd and 24th
Our Summer Pickleball Tournament on July 23rd and 24th was a huge success. We had players from different counties in Indiana, as well as, a few players from out of state! Mixed Doubles played on Friday evening and Men’s and Women’s Doubles played on Saturday. “We were really excited to offer a drawing at this tournament for a Gamma Pickleball Paddle valued at $160,” said Deena Hamer, Pickleball Coordinator, “which Greg Schwering WON!”, she added. “Another unique aspect to this tournament was the coffee cups we gave away to all the winners of the tournament as their “trophy, “ Hamer added. “They were very unique in design and the winners appreciated them, said Hamer” We are looking forward to seeing a lot of the same faces, but many new ones too at our Fall Pickleball Tournament scheduled for October 1st and 2nd. There is still plenty of time to practice and find a partner for the event. Want to get some extra practice time in join us for our Competitive Round Robin Scrambles scheduled for August 27th and September 10th.
Men’s Doubles 3.5 and above
1st Place- JD Martin / Kevin Zimny
2nd Place- Danny Key / Scott Rudd
3rd Place- Mark Comer / Greg Schwering
Women’s Doubles 3.5 and above
1st Place- Sandy Einhaus / Jackie Fayette
2nd Place- Kelly Fox / Tami Schwenk
3rd Place- Juliana Bernabe / Teresa (Bug) Brown
Women’s Doubles 3.0 and below
1st Place- Erica Saltsman / Debra Cotton
2nd Place- Aya Nakajina / Izumi Anderson
3rd Place- Roxanne Snodgrass / Dolores Marple
Mixed Doubles 3.5 and above
1st Place- Mark Comer / Sandy Einhaus
2nd Place- Shelly Burnside / Phil Brown
3rd Place- Jackie Fayette / Daniel Fayette
Mixed Doubles 3.0 and above
1st Place- Larry Lux / Susan Lux
2nd Place- Rick Saltsman / Erica Saltsman
3rd Place- Kana Fujiwara / Koshi Fujiwara